Ka’ak Al Yamani (Yemeni Cookies)


I would want to share with you this Yemeni recipe. It is called Ka’ak Al Yamani.


1) 2 and a 1/2 kilos of white flour [have yet to measure in cups to make it easier for everyone Insha Allah] You can also use wheat flour if you like.

2) 1 1/2 tsp of salt [or more, taste until you feel it is as desired]

3) 2 tbslp of black seed

4) 1/4 cup sugar [granulated or powdered whatever you have on hand]

5) 1 tblsp of yeast

6) 1/2 kilo of ghee [or butter melted] –you can substitute with Canola oil.

7) 7 eggs

8) warm water [enough to make a dough]


     You can use a mixer, but traditionally this is all done by hand. Mix the dry ingredient together–flour, salt, sugar and yeast–and then place in the bowel of the mixer. Add the warm ghee/butter/or oil and mix well. Crack the eggs,  and mix in one cup of water with the eggs. With the mixer on add the water and egg mixture until a firm dough forms–it should be firm in that you can shape it as you wish. Also, the dough should leave a trace of oil when you press it against your palm.

     Now you can make the dough into the shapes you want. Some use cookie molds, but for the most part shape by hand.After you have shaped them and arranged them on a well greased cookie sheet, cover and let them rise for an hour . Then brush with a mixture of egg yolk and milk and bake in preheated 400 Fahrenheit degree oven until golden brown and firm to the touch–about 40 minutes. Let them cool and then store in an airtight container. 

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